Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hello 2nd Trimester!!!

I am 13 weeks pregnant and loving every second of it. Now that I am in my 2nd trimester I am doing much better with symptoms, I rarely have nausea (which is really nice) but I do have food ad-version. I made dinner for hubby 2 nights in a row, everything smelt great in the process and sounded amazing in my mean time but when we went to eat, I took a bite and was not having it.  It instantly turned my stomach upside down... I was bummed.

Monday we had our first meeting with the maternal-fetal medicine clinic with the University of Minnesota. They specialize in high risk pregnancies. I am going to be brutally honest, the clinic was great, the nurses and tech was okay but the Doctor was the worse. We will be asking for a different doctor in their clinic. He had the worse bedside manner, there was a woman that was with him in our consultation room and she didn't have a badge on and neither of them ever introduced themselves. It was really strange and everything they talked about that negative, negative, negative.  We were there for our genetic testing of the triplets and them never touched on anything. If I didn't ask the questions I did to the ultrasound tech we would of never knew the results.

The genetic testing for chromosome abnormalities, like downs symptom.  This test needs to be done within a current age of the fetus.  The ultrasound tech measures the liquid behind the baby's neck, ours were right around 1-1.5 and that is good anything over 2.5 they worry about because that indicates there is an extra chromosome of the 13, 18 or 21st.  But our babies past with flying colors! Happy mom and dad moment.

We could of been in there all day watching them (had to break once for the bathroom.)  They were once again super active and somewhat cooperative.  We would of liked to of known the genders but the tech was confident in the twins,so we decided to wait another two weeks for our 15 weeks ultrasound. 

Why are we high risk?
Well there are actually multiple answers to this question. The reason we are monitored every 2 weeks right now (at some point this will go to every week) is to make sure they are all growing at the same rate, the doctor likes to see all of them within a week of each other. A bigger reason is to watch the fluid in the amniotic sacs of the twins, because they can steal fluid from each other and hinder the others growth. There are some little reason as I am carrying three babies at once and to make sure my health is in check too.  Don't get us wrong we love seeing them as often as we do because they change so quickly in there!!!

Baby A is the singleton
Baby B & C are the twins

What genders do you think they are?

Leave your thoughts in the comments! 

Tune in next week....

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Rosner Review on the Cribs

We chose to get our cribs right away, I mean have only been waiting for a year or so for the chance to come to need a crib. We bought them on amazon PRIME day, got a super good deal on them too. 

We had budgeted about $350 for a crib (that's when we thought we would only have a baby.) So knowing that we would need three of them I didn't want to blow the budget too much. So we shopped in different stores and online and figured out what design we wanted. We bottom agreed on white, modern, and simple. We figured this would be best because in our current home the babies will have to share a room.  So fitting three cribs might not of been the most simple task. We came across this one on and fell in love with it's price, it was on Rollback so it was $100 per crib. (That's under our budget and all three too!!!!) We definitely scored on them, and they are convertible so they can grow with the babies. 

Here is a picture of one, it is simple, white and modern.
My husband is the one that assembled all three of our cribs and he said it was very simple, of course the 1st one was more difficult and the 2nd and 3rd went a lot quicker.  Walmart offered free shipping so it was delivered straight to the house and the packaging was solid enough to protect the cribs.

Here is what they call look like in our nursery, we are still missing 2 crib mattresses and you get a sneak peak of the next item I will be reviewing for the nursery.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

11 weeks pregnant with TRIPLETS!!!!

11 weeks pregnant with TRIPLETS!!!!

Hi everyone, sorry about the delay in the post. We have been crazy busy with life and summer. Between weddings, birthdays, doctor appointments, and getting everything ready for the triplets (while I can) its been exhausting!

So on Monday we had our 11 week appointment with our OB at Clinic Sofia. Our OB is Dr. Jewelia Wagner, she is great and she actually just had twins herself so she understands the multiple thing better then a normal OB ( in my eyes.)  We will be seeing her every other week to monitor our pregnancy. We will also been seeing a high risk pregnancy doctor starting in a couple weeks too.

Our last visit we found out that our twins have their own amniotic sac within their gestational sac and don't share a placenta.  This was awesome news because it makes the pregnancy a little less high risk. Also, I was told to increase my prenatal vitamins to twice a day, once on the morning

Today visit, my blood pressure was excellent, she measured my uterus and its about 16 weeks big. Doc says this is great because it is growing at a good rate to accommodate all three babies. No talk of bedrest yet ( which is great in my eyes, once that happens I might go crazy having to do almost nothing.)

Now on to the good stuff, the babies.

Baby A (singleton) measured in at 11 weeks 2 days and 170 heart rate
Baby B (twin) measured in at 11 weeks and 3 days and 148 heart rate
Baby C (twin) measured in at 11 weeks and 4 days and 175 heart rate

All great news about them and they are measuring a little more then then 11 weeks so that is great!

Otherwise, my symptoms are getting better, I am just super tired (the life is getting sucked out of me) and headaches!

We have bought our cribs, got them on Prime Day, they are super simple and white.  We also ordered our rocking chair for the nursery, once that comes in  I will do reviews on stuff we have gotten so far.

I picked out my breast pump and got it free through insurance! I got the Spectra S2. I will also do a review on this and our plan for feeding the triplets!

Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

7 week Ultrasound

This is the day that we finally get to see our baby or babies for the first time!!!! Crazy to think this day is finally here. (We didn't tell any friends and only a few family members at this point) We were so excited and could hardly wait. I was starting to have a little bit of symptoms nauseous and tiredness. I have the bloating and sore boobs too but I have had that the whole time through IVF so that not sure if those really count now.  This ultrasound was at 7 weeks gestational age for us. 

The moment of truth....

There are 2 gestational sacs which means we have twins (or so that's what the doctor thought)  Upon further inspection he found this.

There were 2 babies in the same sac, so if you are keeping track that means that we have TRIPLETS!!!! And the Rosner Triplets Journey has started! We transferred 2 embryos and one had split, so we have a set of identical twins and a third baby!! We were so in shock and excited at the same time!!  All the babies had great heart rates and measured perfectly. It was so awesome to see their little hearts beat!! (heart rates above 120 are excellent)

Baby A: HR 140
Baby B: HR 148
Baby C: HR 124

This was sort of a bit sweet end for us, once we heard the heart beats that means our chance of miscarriage were down to 4% and we transfer care to a normal OB clinic. We were said to leave the amazing staff but we are looking for visiting them with our little miracles in the future.

The 2 week wait....

The two week wait is the hardest part of trying to get pregnant because you try to tune into your body's every twitch, hiccup, pinch, and what not. This is especially hard after doing so much for IVF. I am on Estridol and Progesterone suppositories and injections. I will be on these until 12 weeks pregnant.

Since my husband and I had a hard time twiddling our thumbs we gave in and took a HPT (home pregnancy test.) There is a unique way of counting the days for after an IVF embryo transfer. You have two different numbers, the first one is the amount of days after a transfer and the second in the day the embryos were in the incubator before being transferred.

So these tests were done at

We may of gotten a little carried away with testing but the way you get your positive at home is if you line keeps getting darker as you keep testing.

On 14dp5dt we went in for our blood test and our beta came back at 1556 which anything over 25 is a positive. We had a 72 hours wait for our next beta which went up to 5987. They want this second beta to at least double. Which ours did!!! We were officially preggers!!!  

Welcome to our Journey!!

I am Kelly and my husband is Joe. We are starting this blog to keep everyone up to date on our lives. This all got started when found out we had infertility problems after trying to get pregnant on our own for a year.  So we went to a specialist, located in Minnesota. We were lucky enough to have one of the best doctors in our backyard. His name is Dr. Randall Corfman, him and his amazing team of nurses and embryologists run the Midwest Center for Reproductive Health.We very highly recommend this team because of their amazing energy, caring, personable, and knowledge about fertility.

My husband was diagnosed with a very low sperm count, so we worked for months trying to get that up so that we could become pregnant on our own. After a couple rounds of clomid, and hcg we realized that this was going to be close to impossible. So this is when Dr. Corfman told us our only real option of being able to get pregnant with our own kids would be IVF and ICSI. We agreed and that is were our journey began.

The pictures are snapshots off our Facebook page where we started telling our family and friends about our journey.