Thursday, July 23, 2015

The 2 week wait....

The two week wait is the hardest part of trying to get pregnant because you try to tune into your body's every twitch, hiccup, pinch, and what not. This is especially hard after doing so much for IVF. I am on Estridol and Progesterone suppositories and injections. I will be on these until 12 weeks pregnant.

Since my husband and I had a hard time twiddling our thumbs we gave in and took a HPT (home pregnancy test.) There is a unique way of counting the days for after an IVF embryo transfer. You have two different numbers, the first one is the amount of days after a transfer and the second in the day the embryos were in the incubator before being transferred.

So these tests were done at

We may of gotten a little carried away with testing but the way you get your positive at home is if you line keeps getting darker as you keep testing.

On 14dp5dt we went in for our blood test and our beta came back at 1556 which anything over 25 is a positive. We had a 72 hours wait for our next beta which went up to 5987. They want this second beta to at least double. Which ours did!!! We were officially preggers!!!  

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